Saturday 29 November 2014

Successful Advertising Campaigns.

1. The Element of Surprise

One of the most powerful aspects of this campaign is the element of surprise. Surprise amplifies the impact of the gesture.
A recent study summarized: "Positively surprising the customer is one way to exceed their expectations, resulting in customer delight."
Other studies also validate the power of surprise.
Do we really need a study to validate the element of surprise? Probably not. Some of life's most memorable moments are products of surprise: a surprise birthday party, marriage proposal, promotion, bonus or an unexpected gift. However, surprise is rarely strategically planned into marketing campaigns. But there are many ways for brands to use the element of surprise and social media to promote "customer delight," build the brand and grow market share.

2. Personalization

This campaign was intensely personal. The focus on the particulars of each gift were unique to each customer in this video. Because banking itself is not a social transaction, a distinct effort had to be made to identify meaningful opportunities to make a difference in the lives of the intended recipients. The personal engagement of employees in executing the campaign was vital to the authenticity of the campaign. One does not feel as though any of the interactions were forced or manipulated. You really do feel as though you are witnessing genuine emotion.

Personal Connections Pay Off
Customers engaged with personalized, emotional messaging are up to 20 percent more likely to purchase at any stage of the purchase decision, according to a study published by the CEB Marketing Leadership Council in partnership with Google.
A personal engagement requires human-to-human contact. It may be tempting to automate various aspects in the management of a relationship. However, a true connection cannot be automated or simulated. A real bond must be established.

3. Social Media Increases Purchase Probability

Note the significantly higher probability of purchase from customers who engaged with video and social media in the graphic above. Campaigns that evoke emotion, personalize and promote social interaction amplify the power of good deeds -- and sales.
In light of this data, the #TDThanksYou campaign can be expected to reinforce relationships with existing customers, possibly attracting disgruntled customers of competing banks.

4. Gratitude

This entire campaign is built upon gratitude. While the ATM, or Automated Thanking Machine, addressed long-time customers by name and thanked them for their loyalty with very personal gifts, an additional 20,000 bank employees distributed $20 bills in green envelopes to customers at exactly 2 p.m. on July 25 in more than 1,100 TD branches across Canada.
Scientific studies on gratitude suggest that employee participation in the gratitude campaign promotes positive feelings and well-being, an added benefit for TD Canada. The campaign appears to have been as much a hit with employees as it was with customers.
Social Leadership
It is no coincidence that the sentiment of this successful campaign came from the top, as illustrated a selfie tweeted out by Ted Hockey, President and CEO of TD Canada Trust, with a customer of 60 years. The socially engaged CEO is an asset to any brand in today's social landscape.

5. Brand Consistency

One successful campaign rarely makes or breaks a brand. In the case of TD Canada Trust, focus on customer delight has earned the bank top honors in the Best Banking awards for Customer Service Excellence over the past nine consecutive years -- revealing a deliberate focus on building customer relationships based on positive customer experiences.
In a highly transparent world, empty promises and promotional stunts can do more harm than good. Yet, brands dedicated to winning and maintaining customer satisfaction (and delight) over time will always win.

Day 60

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Day 56

CoP3 Lecture 3

Resolving Your Research Project.
How to structure and write the introduction for your CoP3 dissertation.
What you are going to address and how your going to address it?

Academic conventions are like an institutional framework for your work.
They structure and standardise.
They aspire to academic honesty.

Expected to be.
Demonstrate critical knowledge of practice.
Apply theory to practice.
Anaylse relevant material.
Evaluate theory and evidence within the context of study.
Reflect - critiquing and critically reflecting on your learning and using this to improve practice.

Deep engagement with the topic.
  • Original Bloom 1956
  • Knowledge 
  • Comprehension
  • Application
  • Analysis
  • Synthesis
  • Evaluation

Anderson and Pohl 1990-2000.
  • Remembering 
  • Understanding
  • Applying
  • Analysing
  • Evaluating
  • Creating

Hierarchy of learning.
Basic knowlegde to learn and regergitate facts.
More information about why and undertanding how facts relate to each other.
Taking the complex understanding and applying it to something.

To avoid. Shallow Approach.
  • Concentration on learning outcomes.
  • Passive acceptance of ideas. Should challenge ideas and unpick them.
  • Routine memorisation of facts.
  • Sees small chunks. Link all of the narratives together.
  • Ignore guiding patters and principles.
  • Lack of reflection about, or ignorance of, underlying patterns and theories.
  • Little attempt to understand
  • Minimal preparation and research.

Deep Approach.
  • Independent engagement with material. Own opinions and ideas.
  • Critical and thoughtful about idea and information.
  • Relates ideas to own previous experience and knowledge.
  • Sees the big picture.
  • Relates evidence to conclusions.
  • Examines logic of arguments.
  • Interested in wider reading and thinking.
  • Ongoing preparation and reflection.

Academic writing is formal and follows some standard conventions.
Each academic discipline had its own specialist vocabulary which you will be expected to learn and use in your own writing. Everything has to have evidence to it. Using quotes in the essay.
The substance of academic writing must be based on solid evidence and logical analysis, and presented as concise, accurate argument.
Academic writing can allow you to present your argument and analysis acculturate and concisely.
Precise and direct, no rhetorical or conversational language. Forceful and direct, shows more confidence in your point.
  • Avoid using uncertain language. 
  • Avoid repeating the same words. 
  • Aim for shorter sentences rather than longer ones. 
  • Avoid waffling.
  • Avoid abbreviations and contractions. Is no, not, Isn't.
  • Avoid slang words and phrases.
  • Avoid conversational terms.
  • Avoid vague terms.
Make your point then back it up with academic quotes.
Link to information.

Using first person sentences use the pronouns 'I" and 'we'
I have observed....It has been observed

Need for an essay.
List of illustrations.

The absract
Statement of the problem
Methodological approach.

Main body.
Review of the literature
Logically developed argument
Results of investingation.
Case study.

Conclusion. (echo introduction)
Discussion and conclusion
Summary of conclusions

Extras. (do not count towards your word count.)

1.5 line spaced apart from quotes that are single line spaced and indented and separated form the rest with an indent if it is more than two lines.

Be able to summaries in a paragraph, paraphrasing, long quotes, small quotes.

7 weeks till the final hand in. 50 days till hand in.

Getting Stuck?
  • Ask yourself why are you really stuck?
  • Avoid negativity.
  • Picture what being 'unstuck' would look like.

Project Self Assessment.
  • Write down the major aims of the project.
  • Give a brief summary of the work so far.
  • Comment on your time management.
  • Do you know what the final project will look like?
  • What steps will you take to ensure it gets there?
  • What areas of the project are you worried about?
  • What 'risk management' plans do you have?
  • How are you going to use the remaining tutorials?

Don't priorities the practical over the essay!
  • Set targets.
  • Be more disciplined than ever!
  • Refer to your original plan.
Author (date) Title Place Publisher
(surname, year, page)
Be consistent throughout the essay and bibliography.
Quote in a quote.
(surname in surname, year, page)

Sunday 23 November 2014

Day 54

Questionnaire Responses

Advertising Questionnaire Responses.
I took 25 questionnaires to the cafe I work in and asked customers to fill them in for me, I chose this location to hand out my questionnaires becasue I don't want to just ask friends or just ask students, I also didn't want to do a survey monkey. Doing it at the cafe and handing them to random customers meant that I would have a variety of different responses about advertising and how it effects people.

  1. What was the last advert that you saw?
  2. If you don’t remember, what was the last advert you do remember?
  3. How did it make you feel?
  4. Did you buy the product or visit the place in advert?
  5. Do you like advertising? And Why?
Response 1. (male)
1. The John Lewis Christmas One.
2. N/A.
3. Like it should be snowing outside, sad, christmasy, comfy.
4. Yes but not because of the advert.
5. No. manipulates a weak mind.

Response 2. (female)
1. Lidl.
2. N/A.
3. Didn't believe it.
4. Nope.
5. Sometimes, provides a choice and gives me ideas.

Response 3. (male)
1. John Lewis Christmas advert.
2. N/A.
3. Festive.
4. No.
5. Yes, because it makes me aware of new things.

Response 4. (male)
1. Can't remember.
2. Sainsbury's Christmas advert.
3. Sad and Happy.
4. Yes.
5. Yes sometimes they are better then the programmes.

Response 5. (female)
1. I saw a poster advertising a local event which I would like to attend.
2. N/A.
3. Irritated! The poster was placed on the inside of the front window but in such a position that it obscured the date of the event and the shop was closed.
4. I will when I find out when it is.
5. Sometimes but thats about the approach I dislike shouty loud adverts but enjoy humour and information.

Response 6. (male)
1. Pets at home.
2. N/A.
3. Enjoy seeing dogs playing so happy.
4. No.
5. Sometimes it can be useful to inform of products I am not aware of or offers I wouldn't have otherwise known about.

Response 7. (male)
1. John Lewis Christmas advert.
2. N/A.
3. Happy.
4. No.
5. Not really, too much time spent on advertising during TV programmes.

Response 8. (male)
1. Best Western Hotels (woman talking to 'Colin')
2. N/A.
3. Irritated!
4. No!
5. When it is informative and amusing I do.

Response 9. (female)
1. A car advert (don't remember which)
2. N/A.
3. Irritated, music was too loud and emotionalising an innate object.
4. No.
5. If it is done sensitively and ethically and for a good cause.

Response 10. (male)
1. Fairy Dishwasher.
2. N/A.
3. Bored.
4. No.
5. Not its so artificial, I used to like the old ones like Heinz and Guinness and Hovis, also they are shown too often.

Response 11. (female)
1. Silent night advert on TV regarding world war one. (Sainsbury's Christmas advert)
2. N/A.
3. Very sad, but grateful to the men who were fighting for us.
4. I have visited the where it was done.
5. No, they go over the top with it.

Response 12. (female)
1. Monty John Lewis.
2. N/A.
3. Sad.
4. No.
5. If its done well or if it's funny.

Response 13. (male)
1. Don't know.
2. Michael Parkinson selling insurance to the elderly.
3. Angry.
4. No
5. No Manipulates, Capitalist selling techniques.

Response 14. (male)
1. TV advert
2. N/A
3. Sometimes annoyed becasue it always breaks in at interesting points during a programme.
4. Depends what it was and how it was presented.
5. Depends on the product.

Response 15. (male)
1. Christmas advert about Aldi and M&S.
2. N/A.
3. Christmasy
4. Perhaps yes.
5. Its okay.

Response 16. (female)
1. I cant remember.
2. The John Lewis Christmas one.
3. Very annoyed! Made me think about all the people rushing out to go get their penguins (idiots).
4. No. I would avoid the place and the product becasue the advert was manipulated as are all adverts.
5. No, it breeds a consumer society and we already consume too much! Adverts are there to brainwash and they work on far too many people.

Response 17. (male)
1. Sainsbury's Christmas advert.
2. N/A
3. Christmasy
4. No.
5. Lets me know whats happening.

Response 18. (female)
1. IKEA round room/kitchen.
2. N/A.
3. Happy.
4. No.
5. Yes I like the story telling ones. That build up.

Response 19. (female)
1. Don't know as I mainly watch the BBC.
2. John Lewis.
3. Happy and warm.
4. No becasue nearest John Lewis is in Sheffield.
5. Occasionally when it is doing good, charity things.

Response 20. (female)
1. John Lewis.
2. N/A.
3. Christmassy and happy.
4. No.
5. Yes, it makes me want to buy the products its selling.

Response 21. (male)
1. Macmillan nurses on TV.
2. N/A.
3. Wanted to help with the campaign.
4. No.
5. For some products, not others. It pressures people into spending money which they may not have.

Response 22. (male)
2. N/A.
3. Waste of time.
4. No chance.
5. Depends what for.

Response 23. (female)
1. M&S Christmas Advert.
2. N/A.
3. That I need to start buying Christmas presents.
4. Yes.
5. No.
Response 24. (female)
1. Unable to remember.
2. Penguins.
3. Happy and loving.
4. Unable to remember what the advert was for.
5. No I find it a form of bullying.
Response 25. (male)
1. I cannot recall.
2. An advert for First Direct.
3. No feeling, just remembered the animal in the advert.
4. No.
5. Only if they amuse me or advise me of a new product.
I have found through looking at the responses that a lot of people actually like advertising, it allows them to see what new products there are. I have also found that a lot of people are looking for to key things in adverts, information and humour. What works most effectively for most of the people who thought positively about advertising was the journey that one goes through, if the advert is telling a story, sending them on a roller coaster. There has been a lot of responses referring to both the Sainsbury's and John Lewis Christmas adverts. Saying that they made them feel both sad and happy and festive. This leads me to believe that the stronger the emotion a consumer feels, the more likely you are to remember the advert. A few responses remembered the Christmas adverts and went through the same emotional ride, but couldn't remember to company, but this is the first stage of an advert persuading people to buy their products.

Thursday 20 November 2014

50 Days Of...

Half Way.
Researching the half way point through this brief I thought that I should create a poster displaying the different monsters that I have illustrated already. At the 12 days of... point I found that I am wanting to do a screen print of them all at the end of the brief, therefore I thought that doing a digital print of them all half way through I will get more inspiration for the second part of my context of practice brief. As I am planning on creating a positive social campaign to get others to do the '100 days of challenge'. Although I need to find a brand to relate this too.

I thought that having the grid as 6 by 8 would look better than 5 by 10 which means that I would only have 48 instead of 50. This worked well as the grid was quite balanced on an A2 size format. Although I think that it would be better if I had 50 as that is the actual mid point.
Thinking of different layouts that would work with 50 but still using the same grid as I think that it works really well.
Also testing out different fonts to see which looks better with the illustrations. I think that the right hand type looks better than Arial because it fits better. As in the size of the actual font fits better without having to track or kern it. It also is appropriate for the poster and the illustrations on the poster.

This is the layout I think I will be going with, although as it is day 49 I only have 49 monsters, and I will have to do the next one early on day 50 and place it in ready to print. Trying out different shades of black and grey on the type so that it doesn't look so blocky. I have decided it looks better with a shape lower in the '50 days of...'


I managed to get the day 50 monster done in the morning ready to print. They printed out really well and looked better in the print than I thought they would. There is a lot of colour in the poster but it still works as they are not too close together. I am excited to see what it will look like with 100 monsters, and how I will relate them to the a brand to create a positive social campaign.

Day 51

Primary Research Questionnaire

Advertising Questionnaire.
I would really appreciate it if you would please fill out one of these anonymous questionnaires for my dissertation research.

What was the last advert that you saw?

If you don’t remember, what was the last advert you do remember?
How did it make you feel?

Did you buy the product or visit the place in advert?
Do you like advertising? And Why?

Thank you for taking my questionnaire.