Thursday 30 October 2014

Day 30

First COP Tutorial

COP Tutorial.
After a general meeting with Simon my COP tutor, he said that he would like to see something more than what he saw from the presentations. After my presentation I was very confused at which direction I was going to go with, whether I am supporting using emotions to advertise or whether I am against this. Although I am very certain of my subject. I am also clear on what I am wanting to do for my practical, but not too specifically, I am wanting to create a happiness campaign.

In my tutorial I discussed with Simon the effects of advertising and the uses of positive advertising. Also started to talk about the different theorist I am thinking about using in my essay, which include Maslow, with his hierarchy of needs, Pavlov, with creating feelings through association, and Bendoral, how ideals are being sold. After our talk we have decided that Maslow would be most appropriate for me, which is a good thing as I am already very aware of Maslows hierarchy of needs.

Issues discussed at the tutorial.
Positive effects of advertising? Uses of positive advertising emotions in advertising.
Promotions for negative emotions/thoughts in advertising strategies. Or vica verca.
Practical - produce an advertising campaign that promotes positive responses/emotions in relation to a given product.
How positive can you be without alienating the customers from the product/brand?
How can positive responses be promoted through advertising successfully?
Research - what are 'positive responses'? 
Promote positive products and services - NHS?
Rhetoric in advertising.
How can positive responses be used in advertising?
Focus groups of non students and how they feel about certain case study.

Link to an actual brand or idea?
Using positive effects?
Customers feel at ease with themselves - public service.
Look into things that aren't superficial - avoid the fashion industry.
Promoting bad things in a good way.

Next time.
Define what a 'positive response' is - fulfilled, liked socially, achievement.
Define what a 'negative response' is - fear, insecurity, guilt.
Come with a basic structure for the essay.
Campaign ideas for the practical

Wednesday 29 October 2014


Pavlov's Classical Conditioning Theory.

Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory.
Skinners Operant Conditioning Theory.

 Maslow's Hierachy of Needs Theory.

I decided to take the Maslow's Hierachy of Needs test and it came out with the outcome that I am well rounded. I don't think that this test is the best as I don't understand what the outcome actually means. It should be more specific than that, or give more details as to what it actually means.

Examples of Positive Advertising Campaigns.

Examples of Positive Advertising Campaigns.
Nike at the Olympics
Nike is known for using guerrilla marketing tactics to try and steal the limelight from its competitors, and during the London Olympics it managed to outshine official sponsor Adidas with a massive billboard and social campaign around the capital.
Nike eschewed the usual celebrity endorsements in a campaign that celebrated everyday athletes. It bought up hundreds of billboards around the city featuring the hashtag ‘#findgreatness’.
Adidas, which spent tens of millions of pounds to be an official sponsor, ran a campaign featuring Team GB athletes and the hashtag ‘#takethestage’.
According to Socialbakers’ CheerMeter there were more than 16,000 tweets associating Nike with the word Olympic between 27 July and 2 August compared to 9,295 for Adidas.
Furthermore. Nike attracted 166,718 new Facebook fans during the Games versus 80,761 for Adidas.
Data from Experian Hitwise shows that Nike achieved a 6% growth in its number of Facebook fans and a 77% boost in engagement on its Facebook page compared to 2% and 59% respectively for Adidas.

Dumb Ways To Die
I became aware of this campaign thanks to Vivienne Egan’s excellent blog post about why it’s achieved such huge viral success.
The video is a catchy tune created by a public transport authority in Melbourne, Australia, aimed at raising awareness about railway safety.
I don’t know whether it will actually prevent any train accidents, but you’d hope that the video had an impact on at least one of the 30m people who have watched it since it went live two weeks ago.

Dollar Shave Club
Male grooming can be an expensive business, particularly when buying branded razors on a regular basis.
Spotting a gap in the market, Michael Dubin set up Dollar Shave Club to provide men with new razors for just $1 a month.
In this brilliantly quirky video Dubin describes his business' service in the company warehouse amid increasingly bizarre scenes.
It’s not only extremely funny, but also does a great job of convincing the viewer to sign up to Dollar Shave Club.

Social media lies at the heart of Cadbury’s marketing activities, and we‘ve reported on a number of product launches this year that used Facebook and Google+.
One of its most interesting social campaigns was to celebrate the brand reaching 1m Facebook fans.
Cadbury realised that despite having so many fans, only 16% of them ever saw content that the brand posted on Facebook.
The challenge was to increase the engagement among its fans, as well as reaching friends of fans and the wider Facebook community.
To test what content users would engage with, Cadbury decided to build a giant Facebook ‘like’ thumb out of pieces of Dairy Milk.
It used teaser ads in the build up to the event, then live streamed in a studio decorated with user-generated content and photos. The team also responded to user requests and comments in the video.
As a result, Cadbury gained 40,000 Facebook fans and more than 350,000 people were actively involved in the campaign. Some fans even left the live feed running for hours on end.

Back in May 20th Century Fox tried to tap into the viral power of Twitter to promote the release of Ridley Scott’s sci-fi movie Prometheus.
A new three-minute trailer for the film was screened simultaneously online, on Channel 4 and on social TV app Zeebox.
Viewers were then encouraged to tweet about the film using the hashtag #areyouseeingthis.
During the next ad break, Channel 4 screened a 40-second spot which included viewer’s tweets.
Analysis from 1000heads shows that there was a spike in activity, peaking at around 4,000 tweets, with the campaign potentially reaching around 15m users.
At the time the campaign aired I suggested that the reliance on traditional media meant that it wasn’t particularly innovative, but I still think it’s a noteworthy example of a studio using social to promote a new movie.

Old Spice
Old Spice is responsible for some of the most memorable viral campaigns ever created (“I’m on a horse”), and this year it ditched its Old Spice Guy character for an interactive video involving ex-NFL player Terry Crews.
After watching a short video of Crews playing musical instruments by flexing his muscles, viewers could then use their keyboard to play their own tune.
It has little to do with the product and everything to do with the brand, and has now clocked up 8m views on Vimeo.

Heinz is another FMCG brand that frequently uses social to build excitement around its product launches.
As part of the marketing activities around a new Five Beanz variety, Heinz created a Facebook quiz app that told people what kind of bean they had grown up to become in response to a series of questions about their personality traits.
To encourage people to take part and share the app, five winners were picked every hour and sent a personalised bean and every user that invited 10 people to take the quiz was given a goodie bag. Heinz also offered Facebook fans a coupon so they could try the product.
The campaign ran for two weeks and achieved impressive results:
  • 22,143 took the quiz to apply for a personalised bean.
  • More than 10,000 users shared the app.
  • The campaign reached 10.8m people on Facebook.
  • It reached 3m people reached outside of Facebook through Twitter, blogs and news sites.
  • The Heinz Facebook community grew by 30,000 extra fans.
Never one to endorse brands shamelessly chasing Facebook ‘likes’, I was in two minds whether to include this campaign on the list.
However Heineken went beyond the usual “like us and we’ll give you a discount” tactic employed by many brands and instead offered to blow up one green balloon in its office for every new 'like' it got on its Brazilian fan page.
Heineken even personalised the campaign by reading out the names of some of the users on YouTube.
This is another great example of a fun, interactive campaign that is more about the brand than the product itself.
It earned Heineken thousands of new fans and helped to improve brand awareness in an emerging market.

A Belgian TV station setup a dramatic set piece in a town square to advertise a new TV station, involving a shoot out, fights and American football players.
To kick off the over-the-top action sequence, members of the public had to press a red button in the square with a sign saying ‘Push to add drama'.
As is often the case with viral videos, you’re never quite sure whether the members of the public are indeed genuinely unaware of what’s going on, but you can’t really argue with 39m YouTube views.

Mini USA
This video technically went live on YouTube at the end of December 2011, but I thought it was good enough to sneak onto the list anyway.
A social media marketing campaign with a healthy budget – Mini asked people to describe the best test drive ever in six words.
Matthew Foster came up with the winning entry and became the star of an ad to promote the launch of the new Mini Cooper.
It’s had less than 700,000 views on YouTube, but contains stewardesses, salt flats, paratroopers, sushi and a random rock band name Falconer. What’s not to love?

Day 29

Monday 27 October 2014

Practical Crit

Practical Crit.
A small group of us decided to have a small practical crit for our CoP. This is a good thing to do at this stage for me as I have started what I am doing, but am unsure about which brand to apply it to. I also am going to discuss the campaign I am hoping to achieve and whether peers agree with the concept.
I decided to take my screen prints to the crit, also showing some of the original monsters that I have produced so far. For my "100 days of..." brief I decided to create a monster a day for 100 days, for the second part of this brief I am still unsure what I am going to do for it although I know that it will be a social campaign, which reflects advertising positively, to go along with my essay, this is something that I am am doing in two parts as it makes it easier for me to manage. Therefore I decided to explain in my crit some of my ideas and see if anyone had any suggestions or thoughts.

My Feedback.
  • Could create a series of screen prints and sell them, including all of the monsters, also some larger versions of a few of the monsters.
  • Create a publication including all of the monsters.
  • Top trumps and give each of the monsters different powers and strengths, this could be related to children or even childish adults.
  • A campaign for people to be creative and take the "100 Days Of" challenge.
  • Could tie the monsters to the brand 'monster' energy drink and create promotion for them.
  • The two colour screen prints work really well and look good as a set.
  • Send some of my prints and some of the monsters I have done to The hungry Sandwich Club.
All of this feedback is really helpful and I will think about this further as my brief progresses as I am only on day 27 at the minute so I have a lot more time to decide more of what I can do, when I have a better and more solid idea I will take it to a crit and see what people think, as I really want there to be a purpose and achieve something through this brief, rather than just proposing something. As for the comment about the hungry sandwich club, I am flattered that it got mentioned in my crit as I admire them so much, and will be getting in contact with them at some point soon. I will take more ideas about 100 days of... mainly to CoP crits, although it has been helpful for me bringing it to practical crits.

Day 27

Monday 20 October 2014

12 Days Of...Screen Printing

12 Days Of...
I have decided to produce a screen print for my brief and the progress I have made so far. Changing some of the colours so that it will be easier to screen print, which I think also makes it look really effective. I am also interested in seeing how they look in two colours plus stock so that if I wanted to, could apply a brands colours to use them for their advertising campaign. I have decided to do the screen print as I think that showing the progress I have made so far will be good for the end product, also I am going to be doing a different screen printing brief, so I am going to do this one so that I can get back into it. Also having these posters means that they can go on my walls to give me more inspiration to keep going with my monster a day, also I will be able to contribute to the studio walls as they are very bare.
Playing with different layouts, I have decided that writing 12 days of monsters rather than 100 would be more relevant as I have only got 12 at this point. I may do more screen prints throughout the process, showing more and more in this colour format.

Changing the colours in the monsters means that it will be more simple to screen print as I will only have to use two screens, I also think that it makes them work more as set.
 Prints for exposing, black and green.
After printing they would look similar to this, although I am going to try printing these onto different coloured stocks, which will give it a different effect each time, I might also try printing using different colours.

Green prints on there own still look like the monsters, I also think that they look really effective. I thought about leaving some of the prints in just green as they looked good, although I think that was just becasue of the colour print and that the illustrations still looked like monsters, as I found that they looked a lot better with the black too.

Final Prints.
I decided to use lots of different stocks with different weights and colours. This meant that the prints would look different and I could see what will look best. I found that watercolour stock was really thick and textured which has created a really good aesthetic for the prints, the monsters have more texture, and don't look as flat.

Printing onto black worked well, I thought that I would experiment with this becasue printing black onto black doesn't always work, but it sometimes works really well. It looked as if the black had been glossed, which is something that was aesthetically pleasing for the print.

The registration of the prints were good, this is something I was concerned about before printing, although I found that it worked quite well. Printing on a sheet of associate and the lining up the prints using that before made it easier the register them together. 

Although the watercolour stock created a good texture, it needed a lot more ink than the others, which meant that I had to pull the ink through twice when doing this, I did that with the darker stocks too as it also took more ink.

I have got a lot from doing these prints. I have been thinking about what I will be doing with my monsters after the 100 days, and I definitely want to do something with screen printing them. The black and green work really well and make the monsters look more of a set, this is something I will do with all of the monsters when the 100 days is up. Looking at the stocks I think that I would focus more on the lighter stocks, such as the antique white, this is the most successful print. I plan to think more about the second part of this brief and what I am going to do for it, also look further into creating a challenge, '100 day challenge', maybe creating promotional material to get people to take their own personal 100 day challenge. Creating a '100 day challenge' could be a really positive way of getting motivation in people. I will need to find brand that could link to this idea and support it so that it will make sense. This is something that I need to think about further.