Wednesday 26 February 2014

PTP - Menu Research

Menu Research
The Pink Teapot brief has stated that it wants a new menu being designed. Therefore I thought it would be good if I researched into some cafe/restaurant menus to see what is already out there, and what I should be doing. 

I saw this menu, and what I like about it is the colour scheme. I don't usually like images of the food on menu's as it can sometimes look a bit cheap and tacky, although I think that this has been designed really well. The muted neutral colours that are being used for the base of the menu are aesthetically pleasing and suit the style of the restaurant really well.

I personally don't like the actual menu itself, although I do like the illustration around the outside and in the bottom left corner. I think that I want to do something like this, keep a simple menu with a small illustration. I want it to be quite simple and not too tacky.

I think that the illustrations used in this menu are appropriate for the cafe/restaurant. I might try and see how it looks with some illustrations on the menu, but not photographs of the food, vector illustrations of the food, so that it doesn't look cheap. 

This menu design is so suited to the food that is being presented, I think that sushi being as colourful as it is, can include a lot of illustrations. Also because not many people know what is what when it comes to sushi, therefore having these images allows the audience to understand what everything is. Although I think that this has been designed well and aesthetically pleasing I don't think that it would be appropriate for The Pink Teapot, something more simple would be better for The Pink Teapot.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Interesting Facts

Giant Panda Facts
In the wild, giant pandas are only found in coniferous and broadleaf forests in some of the most remote mountain ranges of China. Although they once lived in the lower elevations as well, humans have forced them out. They are estimated to be less than 1,900 giant pandas left in the entire world, including the population in zoos, putting them on the endangered species list. Review the list of facts below to learn what their life span is, how they develop, when they reproduce and other interesting facts about giant pandas.

General Giant Panda Facts
  • Their diet consists almost entirely of bamboo (stalks, leaves and shoots). In the wild they will also eat small woodland creatures and different types of grasses. In captivity they are fed some fruits, vegetables, sugar cane, and rice.
  • Giant Pandas have specialized wrist bones that they use as extended thumbs when eating bamboo. They also use their strong jaws and teeth to tear and crush the bamboo before eating.
  • With a body similar to that of a bear, the distinguishing feature of a Giant Panda is that it is black and white in color. Black can be found on the ears, eyes, face, legs and upper body and the rest of the body is white.
  • Giant Pandas are elusive in the wild which makes determining how long they can live very difficult. Captive pandas are known to live as long as 35 years, but scientists feel the lifespan in the wild is shorter.
  • Male pandas can weigh as much as 250 pounds (113 kilograms) while females are never more than 220 pounds (99.8 kilograms).
  • Giant Pandas reach four to six feet long (1.2 to 1.8 meters).
  • When they are not sleeping or resting, Giant Pandas spend most of their time either looking for food or eating. On average, they consume about 30 pounds of bamboo in a day. This provides them with the nutrients they need as well as a considerable amount of their water intake.
  • They are skilled swimmers and like going in the water. They often tend to live in close proximity to streams or other sources of water.
Giant Panda Reproduction Facts
  • A giant Panda is ready to breed between the ages of four and eight and can continue to do so until around age twenty.
  • Ovulation occurs only one time each year, limiting the number of births for each panda to between five and eight during her lifetime.
  • The female usually gives birth to two babies but can only care for one. The baby is looked after by the mother for up to three years.
Giant Panda Baby Facts
  • Newborn Panda babies weigh only 3 to 5 ounces at birth which is approximately 1/900th of the size of their mother. At birth, this makes them one of the smallest mammals on earth in comparison to the mother's size.
  • They are born blind, hairless, pinkish white and completely helpless. It takes a lot of work on the mother's part to keep them alive.
  • AT six to eight weeks old they will open their eyes for the first time and at three months they will begin to move around on their own.
Javan Rhino Facts
The Javan Rhinoceros (Rhino) is one of the most endangered animals in the world. In fact there are probably less than fifty left in the world. On this page of Interesting Animal Facts we will list numerous facts about these animals. You will find information about where they live, how they reached the brink of extinction, and what actions are being taken to protect them.

General Javan Rhino Facts
  • The only remaining Javan Rhinoceros live in Ujung Kulon National Park located in Java Indonesia.
  • Javan Rhinos are about 6 feet high (1.8 meters), 12 feet long (3.7 meters), and weigh 3,500 pounds (1587 Kilograms).
  • Its natural habitat is dense rainforest.
  • The word rhinoceros comes from a combination of the Greek words for nose (rhin) and keras (horn).
  • Javan Rhinos are generally solitary animals and have loosely defined territories.
  • This animal is grey and has folds in its skin. The folds are less pronounced than the African rhinoceros and the Javan rhino also has a smaller head than it's African cousin.
  • Unlike African Rhinos, who have two horns on their nose, the Javan rhino has a single horn.
  • They have bad eyesight but have a keen sense of smell and great hearing.
  • This animal is a herbivore with a diet consisting of plants, twigs, and fruit.
  • The scientific name for the Javan Rhinoceros is Rhinoceros sondaicus.
Facts about the Javan Rhino as an Endangered Animal
  • Out of the thousands of Javan Rhinos that once roamed the rainforest of the earth only a handful are left; perhaps forty or fifty. The exact number is not known because they roam free in the rainforest of the huge Ujung Kulon National Park in Java Indonesia.
  • People kill Rhinos for their horns. The horns are sold on the black market for use as decorations or for medicinal purposes.
  • Poaching and the encroachment of people into their habitats are the main reasons the Javan Rhino is endangered.
  • Their numbers have dropped drastically since the 1700's. At one point there were rewards given out by the government for killing these rhinos who caused sever crop damages.
  • There are several conservation groups, including The World Wildlife Fund and the Defenders of Wildlife, who are trying to prevent these amazing animals from becoming extinct. They are protecting them from poachers, providing the correct food for them, and trying to promote breeding among unrelated members of the species.

Leatherback Sea Turtle Facts
The Leatherback Sea Turtle, who is also called the Lute Turtle, is a reptile that is currently on the U.S. Federal Governments list of endangered animals. This animals habitat is the open ocean, where it lives and breeds. Unique features such as its constant state of activity and its ability to reach greater depths than most other marine animals when diving are what make this turtle so interesting. The facts listed below provide information on topics such as feeding, predators, and reproduction in addition to reasons why the Leatherback Sea Turtle is endangered.

Basic Leatherback Sea Turtle Facts
  • It belongs to the genus Dermochelys and is the only living member left.
  • Although the Leatherback can be found in open oceans throughout the globe, the Atlantic, the western Pacific and the eastern Pacific Oceans are home to three separate population groups.
  • The Leatherbacks are able to maintain high body temperatures, even in cold water, through endothermy, a metabolic process that generates heat.
  • Their diet consists almost entirely of jellyfish and a few other oceanic organisms. They even travel across the Pacific Ocean in search of jellyfish.
  • Human pollution is the major cause of the Leatherback Sea Turtle being an endangered animal. Plastic bags and balloons are left floating in the ocean and the turtles ingest them, mistaking them for Jellyfish. This often leads to death. Egg poaching and entanglement in fishing nets are additional reasons for the decline in this species population.
  • Dives as deep as 4,200 feet (1,280 meters) under water have been documented, making the Leatherback Sea Turtle one of the deepest diving animals in the marine world.
  • The Leatherback Sea Turtle made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for being one of the quickest reptiles on record. In the water, it can reach speeds of 35.28 Kilometers per hour (21.92 mph).
  • Females mate every couple of years. Mating takes place in the ocean, but nesting takes place on the shore.
Leatherback Sea Turtle Predator Facts
  • Predators of Leatherback eggs are numerous. Ghost crabs, raccoons, lizards, dogs, coyotes, and mongooses are just some of the land animals that feed on the eggs. Ariel predators include plovers and gulls.
  • The lucky turtles that are able to hatch have another obstacle to overcome. The same predators will try to catch them as they travel from the beaches where they are born, to the ocean.
  • Once in the water, the Leatherback will aggressively defend itself, but still faces predators such as a variety of sharks, large fish, and orcas.
Leatherback Sea Turtle Descriptive Facts
  • The Leatherback Sea Turtle is the largest living turtle. In fact, the largest Leatherback on record is a male who weighed in at 2,019 pounds (916 kg).
  • The Leatherback Sea Turtles body is elongated, in the shape of a teardrop and differs from other sea turtles in that it does not have a bony shell. The upper area of the shell, or carapace, contains a rubbery layer of skin and oily flesh.
  • The front flippers are clawless and enable the turtle to swim quickly through water. Adult flippers can reach over 8 feet long (270 cm).
  • The shell is either black or grey with light colored spots and contains seven distinct ridges that run horizontally along the turtles shell.
  • The Leatherback Sea Turtle has no teeth but instead has downward facing bony spines that tear up the food before it is swallowed.

Bengal Tiger Facts
On this page of Endangered Animal facts we list facts about the beautiful and deadly Bengal Tiger. In the list below you will find information on what has pushed this amazing species to the brink of extinction, where the few remaining species live, and how people are trying to protect it. This information is written for both kids and adults.

General Bengal Tiger Facts
  • Although endangered it is the most numerous of all the tiger subspecies.
  • These animals live in India with much smaller populations in China, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, and Nepal. Their natural habitats are forest, tropical rainforests, swamps, and mangroves.
  • This animal is built for hunting. It has many adaptations that aid its hunting including sharp teeth and claws, excellent eye sight, and speed. Orange fur and black stripes serve as great camouflage, blending it into the shadows of the forest and tall grass in which it hides and waits for prey to approach. Its paws have soft pads enabling it to quietly sneak up on prey.
  • This animals scientific name is Panthera tigris tigris.
  • The roar of this huge cat can be heard from up to two miles away.
  • The Bengal Tiger is one of the worlds most famous predators; it feeds on a variety of prey including deer, boars, monkeys, antelope, and birds.
  • A female Bengal Tigers pregnancy last from 3 - 4 months. Litters range from 2 - 4 cubs.
  • Bengal Tiger cubs stay with their mothers for approximately 18 months after birth as they learn survival skills such as hunting.
  • Bengal tigers are generally solitary animals. They mark their territory and have very little tolerance for other Tigers entering their area.
  • This species life expectancy is 8 to 10 years in the wild.
about the Bengal Tiger as an Endangered Species
  • It has been listed as an endangered species by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) since 2010.
  • It is estimated that fewer than 2000 Bengal Tigers now live in the wild.
  • Poaching is the biggest immediate threat to their survival. Tigers have been a target of hunters and poachers for many years. They have been targeted for many reasons including their beautiful pelts. In some areas of the world it is believed consuming parts of the tiger will provide you with strength.
  • The survival of this species is not only threatened by poaching but also by a loss of their natural prey and a loss of their natural habitat due to deforestation. This deforestation is increasingly causing these animals to attack domestic animals and sometimes humans. Humans will often kill them to protect themselves and their livestock.
Bengal Tiger Description Facts
  • This tiger has an orange fur coat with black or dark brown stripes.
  • The belly and inward facing part of its legs have white fur.
  • The tail is orange and has black rings.
  • The average length, from nose to tail, of males of this species is 9 - 10 feet (2.7 - 3 meters), with females being slightly smaller.
  • This tigers tail is on average 2.75 - 3.6 feet (.83 - 1.1 meters) long.
  • The average height at the shoulder is 2.9 - 3.6 feet (.88 - 1.1 meters).
  • The average weight of the males is 488 pounds (221.2 kilograms) where as the females average weight is 308 pounds (139.7 kilograms).

African Penguin Facts
The African Penguin, who is found only in Africa, is also known as Jackass Penguin and the Blackfooted Penguin. African Penguins prefer habitats where water temperatures are cold and full of nutrients because most of their time is spent in the waters off shore. They only come onshore when they breed, rest and molt. Unfortunately there are many threats facing the African Penguin. What was at one time a plentiful species is now endangered and moving quickly toward extinction. Below is a list of interesting information and unique characteristics about this bird, including why they have become endangered. Both adults and kids will find these facts informative.

African Penguin Facts - Description and Behavior
  • With a height of about 2 feet (60 centimeters) tall and a weight of no more than 8 lbs (3.6 kg), the African Penguin is considered a medium sized bird.
  • With a white belly, black wings and back, and a black and white face, the most easily identifiable characteristic of this bird is its black and white coloration.
  • Webbed feet, wings that function like flippers, short tails and water-proof feathers help the African Penguin dive to depths of 427 feet (130 meters) below the surface of the water and and swim at speeds of up to 12 miles per hour (20 km/h).
  • The African Penguin can considerably reduce its heart rate, allowing it to hunt underwater for over two minutes before coming up for air.
  • The average life expectancy of an African Penguin in the wild is about 10 years.
  • The African Penguins live in colonies on a total of 24 different islands off of Africa. They can also be found off the coast of Africa between Namibia and Port Elizabeth.
  • Guano is the name for the burrow that the African Penguins build out of their own feces.
African Penguin Facts - Endangered Species
  • Oil spills, commercial fishing, natural predators, less nesting space, and lack of nesting material all contribute to the dramatic decline in the African Penguin population.
  • In the last 30 year, the population of African Penguins has seen a steep decline of approximately 50%.
  • While all of the threats are contribute to this bird being endangered, oil spills and the after effects are the main reasons for its decline.
  • Oil spills not only poison the birds body if swallowed, but the outside of their body becomes virtually useless to them. The oil prevents their feathers from working and ultimately results in hypothermia. If the birds are not cleaned within a few days, they will ultimately die.
  • Commercial fishing has resulted in less fish for the penguins which is their main food source. They prefer to eat anchovies, sardines, mackerel and herrings but will also eat various types of shellfish and squid.
  • The African Penguins eggs are also collected for food which greatly reduces the number of births.
  • Although most of the decline in population is a direct result of human impact, there are environmental factors that contribute as well. The population of sardines and anchovies has naturally shifted to the east, leaving them with less food.
  • So far, the best effort to reverse the damage already done has been to keep marine protected areas off limits to commercial fishing.
  • Removal of the nesting material, guano, for fertilizer has forced the birds to change their nesting habits.

Thursday 20 February 2014

PTP - Business Card Research

Business Card Research
The most important thing for Sonya is that The Pink Teapot gets some business cards, as they have been open for 7 years now, and have never had any business cards. Also people ask her for them quite a lot in the cafe and ask for the phone number or opening hours and she will just write them on a piece of paper.

Embossed business cards are really appealing to people as its not just something that you can look at, its something you can feel. Although this looks really good, I wouldn't be able to do this because the business cards will be displayed by the till near where the food is being prepared, and the business card would get too greasy.

These make me think of The Pink Teapot, having a statement side of the card, being really friendly and chatty.

I could design a business card that is in the shape of a Teapot for the business cards, although getting them printed would cost a lot and might be hard to do. I do like these business cards and think that the colours work well, although it won't work the same with a more complex shape.

This business card comes in black and white. The finishes used on these cards is foiling, and makes the gold stand out on the black background, but also stands out on the white background but just not as much. Again this wouldn't be appropriate for The Pink Teapot.

This is more of the kind of aesthetic that I am looking to have for The Pink Teapot business cards, simple yet effective. Using a limited colour pallet, vector illustrations and information about the person.

I will definitely be designing double sided business cards, having one side with all the information about the cafe on it, then the other side showing the personality of the business or the person.

I could create business cards with information on the front, then different illustrations of the back of the business cards, having a range so that they can all work together. I think that it is a good idea to use quotes on the back of the business cards, and could work well with The Pink Teapot, as they have a wall full of signatures from famous people (that may be real or not).

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Act for Wildlife

Act for Wildlife.

We help save endangered animals & Wildlife.
Act for Wildlife is a wildlife conservation campaign led by Chester Zoo, helping to save endangered species around the world from extinction.
100% of your donations are spent on our conservation projects around the world, to make a very real difference to conservation in the wild.

By the time you’ve read this page, Earth will have lost an area of forest the size of eleven football pitches.*
That’s devastating for wildlife.  It will probably cost a family of orangutans their home.
Somewhere in Kenya, right now, black rhinos are fighting a battle for their lives. With poaching putting their very survival under threat.
All over the world, thousands of animals and plants are losing their habitats, and their lives. Human activity is pushing countless species towards extinction.
It might sound hopeless, but it’s not. Not if we all work together.
Act for Wildlife is a wildlife conservation campaign, led by Chester Zoo. Aimed at raising awareness of these desperate conservation needs and the money needed to make that difference.
You don't have to be a Game Ranger in Africa to help protect black rhinos. You don’t have to be a community worker in Assam to help people humanely protect their crops from elephants. You don't even have to be a member of a North West community group to help with local monitoring of hazel dormice.
You can help by donating to Act for Wildlife. Chester Zoo is funding our admin costs, so 100% of your money will make a difference on the front line, in the wild.
It might buy seedlings to replant forests in Borneo. Or help fuel an anti-poaching vehicle in Africa. It could buy equipment to help monitor dormice in Cheshire. Or pay for educational materials that help communities around the world understand the vital importance of wildlife. With your money we'll also make sure that the people working at the coal face of conservation, out in the wild, have got the skills they need to do their jobs, to make the difference, to save and protect our planet's wildlife.
Donating makes you part of the team. So we’ll keep you in touch with what we’re doing, and how you’re helping. Our people on the ground will report back in words, pictures and video, through this site and email.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Oasis Research

Oasis Research.
For our collaborative brief, Emily and I decided that we would do the Oasis brief. I decided that it would be good for me too look into Oasis as I don't usually shop there, and don't know a lot about the brand or what they are currently communicating.

This is the home screen of the website, it is very girly and in your face, I think that the target audience for this is young teenage girls.

Some clothes I found are quite bright and the layout of the website has been designed well.

I found that there are a lot of Oasis stores around the UK and also establishing itself in Europe. This means that the designs produced must be easily read when communicated as it needs to be easily translatable.

Although thinking that the tone of voice and the aesthetic of the website and the store itself, I don't think that the products and clothes available match the target audience.

Oasis state that their target audience are young teenage girls, and they like to have a tone of voice that is very 'chatty and girly' as if they are your best friend. Although in truth the people who actually shop there are young women from the age 23-35. This is something that Oasis is slightly deluded about and will have to bare this in mind when designing the messages for them.

The store inside and out gives an organised yet free look. There are a lot of flowers and colours used in the brand itself, this is something else I will consider when designing.

The campaigns that have already been produced are very colourful with a lot of pinks and blues. This is something I think really suits Oasis and should be considered when designing the new messages for them. Keeping the designs and tone of voice girly and chatty but not too cheesy.

Our Aesthetics.
Emily and I found this piece of design on behance when we were looking for ideas about what we were thinking about doing with the oasis brief.

Looking at the colours used in this design it reminds me of Oasis. We suggested that I should try doing something like this for our illustrations. Keeping the simple shape with a geometric pattern on the inside, although I think that I should try using different opacities rather than different colours in the pattern.

We also saw this which was created by the same person on illustrator which is a similar aesthetic. This is something that we are going to aim for with our design, using vibrant colours with minimal illustrations.

Monday 3 February 2014

Endangered Animal Facts

Endangered Species.

What is ‘endangered’?
A plant or animal species that is at risk of extinction from the earth is considered an endangered species. Since the year 1600, more than 700 species of plants and animals have gone extinct.
Who’s on the list?
Hundreds of animals are on the endangered species list, a few examples include:
  • African elephants
  • Asian elephants
  • Bald eagles
  • American alligators
  • Grizzly bears
  • Jaguars
  • Black rhinos
  • Blue whales, finback whales, humpback whales, sperm whales, sei whales
  • Green sea turtles, leatherback sea turtles, hawksbill sea turtles
Who decides which animals are on it?
  • The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decides after a review. This procedure begins when anyone sends a petition to the Service.
Why do animals become endangered?
  • Habitat destruction (building of roads, parking lots, fields for cattle, etc.): The destruction of rain forests is occurring rapidly, and this is where most of the animal species in the world live.
  • Introduction of foreign species into habitat.
  • Overexploitation – many of the fish we take from the ocean cannot reproduce fast enough to recover, so they are disappearing.
  • Climate change can cause extreme weather conditions that the species cannot adapt to and therefore dies out.
How is an animal protected once it is endangered?
  • Once a species is listed as endangered, it is illegal to kill, harm or take the species out of its habitat.
  • For some species, recovery plans are created to save them from extinction.
Why should it matter to us?
  • About 40% of human medicine is made from things found in nature.
  • The Pacific yew tree was cut down and burned as trash for years, before we discovered a chemical in its bark that was promising medicine for ovarian and breast cancer.
What you can do?
  • Protect national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, stop pollution that causes contamination and global warming, save water to preserve fresh water, help native species of plants to grow in your area.

Facts about endangered species.

  1. An endangered species is one whose numbers are so small that it is at risk of extinction.
  2. A threatened species is one that is vulnerable of becoming endangered in the near future.
  3. In January 2013, the Fish and Wildlife Services reported 2,054 species worldwide that are endangered or threatened. 1,436 exist in the U.S. alone.
  4. A species is declared extinct after many years of not being spotted. Because it takes so long to define an entire species as extinct, it is probable that there are many species already gone that we are unaware of.
  5. A species is defined as endangered or threatened when it is compared against these five factors:
    • Damage to or destruction of its habitat
    • Overuse of the species for educational, recreational, or entertainment purposes
    • Disease or predation of the species
    • Lack of protection
    • Natural or manmade hazards to the continued life of the species
  6. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) protects registered endangered species by removing them from the “take” list, which makes it unlawful for a person to shoot, harm, capture, trap, or attempt any such actions to the species.
  7. Ultimately, the ESA strives to recover species from the endangered list by restoring their ecological health until they no longer need protection.
  8. Factors that threaten the earth’s creatures include deforestation, bycatch (the unintentional capturing of sea creatures during fishing), water scarcity, erosion, pollution, climate change, pirate fishing, overfishing, oil and gas development, infrastructure, and illegal wildlife trade.
  9. The World Wildlife Organization focuses on saving certain species that help sustain other species. They protect wildlife such as pandas, whales, rhinos, marine turtles, primates, polar bears, and big cats.
  10. As estimated 50 percent of all endangered species live in the rainforest. The planet’s largest rainforest –The Amazon – lost more than 17 percent of its forest cover in the last century due to human activity.
  11. Freshwater ecosystems are home to more than 100,000 known species of plants and animals, and are now one of the most endangered habitats in the world as a result of human development, pollution, and climate change.

Facts about poaching.

  1. Animal poaching is when an animal is killed illegally. It usually occurs when an animal possesses something that is considered valuable (i.e. the animal’s fur or ivory).
  2. Many countries believe that the rhino horn is an important ingredient for many medicines. This is false. Rhino horn has the same medicinal effect as chewing on your fingernails aka none.
  3. In 2012, 668 rhinos were poached in South Africa. In the beginning of 2013, these animals were being poached at a rate of 2 per day.
  4. At the beginning of the 20th century there were a few million African elephants and approximately 100,000 Asian elephants. Today, there are about 450,000-700,000 African elephants and 35,000-40,000 Asian elephants.
    • Both African and Asian elephants are now considered endangered.
  5. Typically the largest adults, with the biggest tusks are poached – putting the matriarchs of elephant herds at the greatest risk.
  6. In 2011, there were 13 large-scale seizures of ivory and over 23 tons of ivory confiscated. This is equivalent to at least 2,500 elephants.
  7. Vietnam, China, Thailand, and Korea are just a few countries with markets for horn and tusk.
  8. Bear gall bladders get top dollar for Chinese herbal remedies. And big-horned sheep antlers can fetch $20,000 on the black market.
  9. Tigers are primarily killed to supply underground black markets with its organs, pelts, and bones. These items are highly regarded in eastern medicine (although these treatments have been disproven and have no real medical value.)
  10. In Asia, tiger parts (other than the bone) are used in mythological medicine. This includes: the eyes, hair, internal organs, even tiger penis – which is used in a soup as an aphrodisiac.
  11. A 2010 United Nations report suggests that gorillas could disappear from large parts of the Congo Basin by the mid-2020s.

Start a bake sale fundraiser.


  1. Figure out which endangered animals have conservation projects which allow adoption by checking with different endangered animal organizations. 
  2. Get everyone who is involved with your project to vote on the animal they would most like to adopt. 
  3. Just to be sure, get in touch with the conservation organization for the animal you're looking to adopt so they know you're interested, and you can be positive you're doing everything you need to be doing.
  4. Have everyone in your class/club/organization bring in baked goods to sell. Having a successful bake sale depends on few key ideas:
    • Figure out exactly how much you'll need adopt the animal of your choosing!
    • Make sure you sell your goodies in a high-traffic area. No one is going to buy baked goods from the supply closet. Try places such as outside the cafeteria, near the entrance, in classrooms where eating is allowed.
    • Keep track of what people are buying. If your grandma's strawberry cupcake recipe sells out in an hour, and no one has purchased a single oatmeal raisin cookie, bring more cupcakes the next day. 
  5. Contact the conservation organization to find out how to donate the money. Often they will send back a stuffed animal as well. Score!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Endangered Animals in Design

Animals used in Design.
Artist as Citizen.

The goal of this project is to bring awareness to the millions of species that are under threat because of climate change. Dongwoo Kim created 26 different cards with various endangered species. Each animal card is depicted with its own abstract representation symbolizing the departure of the unrecoverable beauty of these species.
Only one physical book was produced. This piece is intended to be viewed online/offline in order to save paper and gas. There are 68 frames total in this set. Source

This digital publication is used to shows people that the climate is changing and something needs to be done about the change, it does this in a very effective way by only producing one printed copy and having the rest digital, and downloadable. They do this so that they can use less resources, trying to show how effective things can be digitally not just physical. The pages in this document go through in the alphabet, A-Z of all the different extinct animals that there are, one for each letter. Each animal has its own illustration using a minimal colour palette and simple shapes to create the animal itself. They also have their own page, full of the details about the animals, their size, where they originate and why they are under threat. This is something that I will definitely be looking into when I start designing, showing all of the important information about each of the animals, also making it aesthetically pleasing, and appropriate for my target audience.

Note Cards.
The kit includes 10 note cards and envelopes featuring local animals that are endangered. The cards contain heart-warming information about the animals, with the intention of getting people to simply care about the lives of these native animals. These cards don't have anything attached to them, for examples, donate to..., or sponsor theses..., therefore the simplicity of the cards is something I like about these cards, they are used purely for spreading information about these endangered animals, just so that people will know about them. This is something I want to consider when I am designing for this brief, the purpose of what I make can just be to create awareness, it doesn't have to get people to give money.

Alphabet of Endangered Species.
What I like about this endangered species alphabet is the limited colours that have been used. All of the animals are identifiable even though there is only two colours used, this is how strong the illustrations are, this is something that I want to be able to do when designing and illustrating my different animals.

Save the Paper Campaign.

I think that an idea of creating a calender about endangered animals is a really good idea to create awareness, although I think that have a large image of the animals across the whole space to write anything is a bit too much and makes it cluttered. I like the way that everything in black and white apart from the red cross after each day has passed. The target audience for this calender, are people who are interested in animals, but not very creative or quirky people, as there isn't a lot to this calender that makes it interesting, although I do like the idea of doing an endangered animals calender.

Sewing Kit.

Mirim Seo,an MFA student at Tyler School of Art created a unique learning tool. "S.E.W. means Saving Endangered Wildlife. This is a game to learn hand-sewing techniques by completing the patterns on the endangered rainforest animals. It comes with 8 animal pieces with stitch-holes for easy assembly and an instruction book.
The animals are completed by hand-sewing and kids can also create their own animal design. It includes the level of sewing difficulty from Level 1 to Level 8. SEW will teach kids not only hand-sewing techniques but also about endangered species in the rainforest." Source

This pack is a great way of getting children to learn about endangered animals, but also learn the skill to sew. It is appealing to an older child rather than a younger one, age 10-14, I think this because its not very colourful, it is quite elegant and simple.

Animal Prints.

Inspired to keep going when he started designing prints for his children’s rooms, he ended up going the 26-letter distance to create a set, which is being exhibited at The Gallery@Pedestrian in Leicester’s Cultural Quarter. Source

These prints were initially designed to go in a children's room by Matt Mabe, but then he decided to create 26 different animals, one for each letter of the alphabet. Each of the animals use negative space and simple shapes to create the illustrations of the animals, this is done very well, and makes the animals easily identifiable. Although the shapes are very simple, they have great detail to them, as all the shapes make detailed illustration of each of the animals. When creating my illustrations this is something that I want to do, use simple shapes and colours to create easily identifiable animals.

Simple Animals.
As individual illustrations of the animals, it isn't as clear what they are suppose to be, but as a set it is clear that these are all animals. These illustrations have all been created using quarter circles, this allows all of the animals to look aesthetically pleasing as a set, and why they work so well when they are together. Also using colours that relate to the animal allows the illustration to be clearer, as people associate particular colours with certain animals.

Although this packaging is nothing to do with endangered species, I like the illustrations that have been created using only triangles to make different animals. I think that the illustrations work really well with the packaging as they are both very geometric and relevant. When designing for this brief I am going to try and and experiment with using simple shapes to create the illustrations.