Looking into the Disney Princesses allows me to find out everything about each of them so that I will be informed with my design. Although I have watched all of these films and read the books when I was younger I thin that it is good to get refreshed on the information. I have watched a few of the films again and I now need to research specifically into the different Princesses, how old they are, what they look like and their general background information.
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Princess Snow White
Snow White is a true princess; the daughter of a King, she also marries an unnamed Prince, though it is unclear whether he is the son of a King or of a Regnant Prince or if he is a Regnant Prince himself. Assuming she has no siblings, she would become Queen Regnant of her father’s kingdom upon the death of the Wicked Queen.
Princess Cinderella

Cinderella is not noble-born; she becomes a Princess by marriage to Prince Charming, the son of a King.
Cinderella is often considered to be the leader of the Princesses, or at least their spokesperson, though it is unclear why.
Princess Aurora

Aurora has the purest pedigree of any Disney Princess; she is the first-born daughter (and only child) of a King (King Stephan) and marries Prince Phillip; the firsborn son and heir of a King (King Hubert). She is also well educated by her three godmothers. Upon the death or abdication of King Stephan, Aurora would be crowned Queen Regnant of the Kingdom, Co-ruling with King Phillip after the passing of King Hubert. Her own child will inherit the crowns of both kingdoms, ruling one united kingdom upon the death or abdication of both Aurora and Phillip.
Princess Ariel

Ariel’s title comes primarily from her father, King Triton; as one of his daughters, she holds the title of Princess, though as the youngest of seven, she is unlikely to inherit the kingdom, however, she does acquire the title of Princess Consort through her marriage to Prince Eric, though it is unclear whether he is a Prince Regnant, the son of a King, or both.
Princess Belle

Princess Jasmine

Jasmine is noble-born; the firstborn daughter (and only child) of the Sultan of Agrabah, thus she is born with the title "Shahzadi Sultan" (Princess). When she marries Aladdin, a commoner (the son of the self-styled “king of thieves” notwithstanding), he gains the title Prince Consort. Upon the death or abdication of her father in favor of Aladdin (as was stated to be the Sultan’s wish), Aladdin would become the Sultan of Agrabah and Jasmine would acquire the title of Sultana.
Princess Pocahontas

Pocahontas was born the eldest child of Chief Powhatan, thus she is technically a Princess (i.e. Chieftain’s Daughter), which though not an European title, is accorded the respect of one in the sequel. Her eventual marriage to John Rolfe (a commoner) does not change her status or his.
Princess Mulan

Mulan is (to date) the only Disney Princess to not hold the title of Princess in one form or another; not noble born, she bears no noble titles of her own, although she earns the non-noble title of Imperial Consul. Her eventual marriage to General Li Shang (also non-noble) does not grant her any titles either.
Mulan and Shang are the only non-royal Disney couple in the Disney Princess franchise.
Princess Tiana

Commoner-born, Tiana becomes Princess Consort upon her marriage to Prince Naveen, the eldest son and Heir Apparent of the King of Maldonia.
Princess Rapunzel

Rapunzel is born a Princess; the only child of the King of Corona, she eventually marries Eugene “Flynn Rider” Fitzherbert, giving him the title of Prince Consort. Upon the death or abdication of her father, Rapunzel will become Queen Regnant of Corona, while her husband will remain Prince Consort.
Opinions on Disney Princesses.
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Sexuality and the Princesses.
It is very well known that most Disney films have a parallel meaning, using a lot of sexual innuendos throughout, which means that the children see the innocent side of films where as the adults can enjoy the films too seeing the things that children don't see or understand. This blog shows how the characters are sexualised, taking out the innocence of the fairy tales. Reading this blog has made me see how people feel and think about the fairy tales in a completely different way. This is something I need to think about when I am creating my publication. (More information here) (Source)
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Yet again, I got rapped
for it. Reactions ranged from "children do not need to be indoctrinated
into your pro-dyke anti-natural family propaganda" to "Kids movies
should be off limits to far left ideology." Some even accused me of
being a pedophile. Lovely Internet. And my tweet was reposted and
condemned on several conservative websites, from Twitchy to Breitbart's
Big Hollywood and more.
That's the context. And so, since conservatives are jonesing for a conversation about this, let's have at it!
Culture with a capital-C
is political. The rise of Mackelmore or Jay Z is as much about talent
as a calculation on the part of the record industry to factor in race.
Women's necklines and hemlines are conscious decisions about gender and
sexuality made by the fashion industry. And yes, Disney movies are
political, too -- from the decision that all the female characters
should have one-inch waistlines to the idea that princes are heroes and
princesses need saving to the fact that all Disney princesses were white
until Mulan, Jasmine and Tiana came along.
Choices about what
families are portrayed or excluded in Disney movies, and children's
movies in particular, are political. Laws prohibiting interracial
marriage were struck down by the Supreme Court in 1967, but as far as I
know, there has still not been a biracial or multiracial family at the
center of a Disney film (though at least Sofia the First is potentially a
teeny-weeny step in the right direction).
Despite the fact that
one in four children in the United States today is being raised by a
single parent, single moms in Disney movies are mostly portrayed as evil
(think "Cinderella" and "Snow White"). At least single fathers get
better treatment ("Pinocchio" and "Beauty and the Beast").
While it appears that
there is a gay family depicted in Disney's latest film, "Frozen," and
there are six other reasons why "Frozen" may be the most forward-looking
Disney film yet, the film still continues a long and unbroken chain of
hetero-normative children's movies.
Look, I'd be happy if we
could get a brave, independent, non-offensively-skinny,
non-obsessively-boy-crazy princess who isn't then Photoshopped for sex
appeal. That would be nice for my daughter to see.
But of course I want to
see children's films go a step further and actively reflect the full,
positive diversity of families in America today -- including gay
families like mine. After all, we're talking about Hollywood -- land of
the gays and those who love them! Is this really too much to ask? Gay
rights are sweeping the globe, supported morally and politically by an
overwhelming majority of Americans.
The fact is mass culture
is incredibly, frustratingly reactionary. It can seem that Miley Cyrus
is twerking far before any of us are ready to see it, but the fact is
that's just the corporate-backed culture industry picking up on
underground trends in mass culture and amplifying them. Conversations
about race and gender and sexuality in mainstream film often lag behind
society as well.
There are times when
film can propel society in the right direction, whether it's "In the
Heat of the Night" or "Tootsie" or "Philadelphia" or any other number of
groundbreaking films. We don't think of children's films as a space for
social progress and yet that's exactly where our society's norms and
ideals are most embedded -- how the next generation learns right and
wrong and good and evil and inclusion and exclusion can start when
people are young. Hollywood can do a better job of making inclusive
kids' movies that reflect the wonderful diversity of 21st century
So yes, it's high time
that we have a Disney movie in which a princess marries a princess. And a
prince marries a prince. And a plumber marries a schoolteacher — for
crying out loud, why must everyone be royal and rich?!
This is Disney Channel's first ever gay couple and the TV show 'Good Luck Charlie. I think that it is refreshing to see gay couples on children's TV, as it is something that children need to learn about and see that this is a normal thing, as current programme's portray families as; mum, dad, and kids.
Miley Cyrus who was a Disney Channel star herself, tweeted about it, it is something that is welcomed by most people. Disney announced the decision back in June, saying it was 'developed to be relevant to kids and families around the world and to reflect themes of diversity and inclusiveness'.
Cursed Love.
Sleeping Beauty and Snow White are similar characters - cheery, singing, animal friends, trapped in a house, evil witch after them, both end up poisoned and asleep only to be woken by true love's kiss.
I've never read a version of this in YA that hasn't been an adaption of some sort of the original tale, but even if I did, you know what? I wouldn't mind. The great thing about it being a curse that's only waken by true love's kiss is that if it is the man who truly loves you (or will love you) that kisses you, I find it perfectly acceptable to go off and fall in love with him and marry him right away. I can't really argue with that.
Reverse Obsessive Love.
Both Belle and Jasmine are similar in that they dream of adventure, but besides that, they don't have much in common: Belle's a bit of a book worm; Jasmine is a princess with a pet tiger. Both, however, end up falling in love - at least, by the end of the story - with a guy who is obsessed with them instead of them being obsessed with him.
The Beast is obsessed with Belle, not because he's in love with her - not right away - but because he needs her to break his curse. Aladdin has no such excuse and, thus, the instantaneous love he feels for Jasmine is his only character flaw. (Let's face it; besides that, he's awesome.) Of course, by the end of their stories, both characters have been put through such trials that it doesn't feel like obsessive love any more, at least not on the part of the boys, and the girls have also fallen in love with their counterparts.
This also applies to Cinderella, but without the bad boy thing.
We don't see reverse obsessive love often in YA, I think - normally, it's the girls obsessing over the boys or mutual obsessive love - and even if it's there, unlike in the Disney stories they never seem to get past that state of obsessive love. (Shhh. Don't tell me it's still obsessive love in the Disney stories. I don't want to hear it. Hehe.)
Fought for Love.
With the exception of Belle, all of my favorite Disney princesses fall under this category. And it's not just because they're all badasses. (Okay, maybe it is.)
But their stories, when it comes to the love, are probably the most believable. All of them get to know the guys before they fall in love - even if, in Pocahontas, it happens quicker than I would like - and they usually fall in love rather unwillingly. It's not a happy romance; it's a romance that they get into knowing that they'll probably get hurt and, in the case of Pocahontas, it doesn't even get a happy ending.
I want to see more YA like this. Less obsessive love and more like this.
Obsessive Love.
Ariel is a lot of my friend's favorite princess. She's spunky; like Jasmine and Belle, she longs to explore and be somewhere she's not. And she's a red head!
But unlike Jasmine and Belle, when it comes to love, she's a bit of a moron.
Part of her falls under the concept of "love at first sight," which is a concept I loathe. Don't get me wrong - I get instant attraction and the instant feeling that you're going to love someone. That this is "the one."
But Ariel takes that a step further to where most paranormal romances are right now, minus the love triangle. She gives up everything for a man she hasn't even talked to. Yes, part of it is her longing to live on the shore, but that's just an added bonus for this girl - the big thing is getting the guy.
"The Little Mermaid" is one of my favorite Broadway musical adaptions; I love almost all of the side characters; Ursula is one of my favorite villains. (Though Malificent always takes the top rung. She can turn into a freaking DRAGON.)
I don't care if you adore Ariel or not. You have to admit that making a bargain with a sea witch to give up your voice and, if you don't succeed, dying - well, you're kind of a moron. Or obsessed.
And Prince Eric, you're not so hot yourself when it comes to your brains. You're obsessed with her voice. HER VOICE. You haven't even seen her and you, too, have fallen into obsessive love.
The Princesses in my practical.
I think that for my practical CoP, I want to avoid the obsessive love, where they fall in love at first sight, or in Ariel's case, fall in love at first sound. I think that young children need to see that it sometimes take more than this, especially avoiding the vanity in the fact that the Princes fall in love with the Princess at first sight, suggesting it is soley because of her looks. I think that it would be better for my to work with Princesses that fight for their love, as this is more related with life, showing that its not always simple. Relationships often take some work, nothing comes easy in life, and this is a life lesson I want to teach on my publication.
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