Tuesday 15 October 2013

Designing for Web

The Session
Part One - History;
Internet was created in 1991 at 'cern', it was created by a scientist in Switzerland, Geneva, in the Large Hydrogen Colider. Tim Burners-Lee (English) wanted create a way to send information from one computer to another.
"...to link access information of various kinds as a web of nodes in which the user can browse at will." Quote from Time Burners-Lee (6th August 1991)
Web at the time was purely based on text, there were no images until 1992, when the first image went live of a girl group called LEs Horribles Cerneets, founded by cern, which coincidentally have the same initials as the Large Hydrogen Colider.

Web servers;
In 1992 the first world web server was created by Steve Jobs, he called it NeXT.

Part Two - Terminology;
Safari and Firefox (things like that) decode to show us what they are trying to say and show.

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language
CSS - Cascading style sheets
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
CMS - Content Management System

For a website to be successful the content needs to be dynamic, it needs to be able to change.

A skeuomorphism is a derivative object that retains ornamental design cues from structures that were necessary in the original.
  • Imitating something that it isn't
  • Very hated by people 
  • Trying to be the real thing on a screen (flipping a page in a book)
Responsive design could be called 'reactive design'. It is 'responsive' because the design 'responds' i.e. can be adapted to a variety of media using screens of various sizes. The concept was introduced by Ethan Morcotte, a webdesigner and developer, who became famous after publishing his book, 'Responsive Web Design, in which he discussed the constraints and difficulties endured in developing responsive web sites.  

Part Three - Design
What's the Point?
A website should only be created if there is a point. There are three questions you should always ask before you decide to create a website.
  1. What is the purpose of the website?
  2. Who is the target audience?
  3. What do the target audience need?
Reading List;
HTML & CSS: Design & Build Websites
How to Design Websites
Don't Make me Think; A common sense approach to web design


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