Tuesday 19 March 2013

Week 5 - Summary

What we researched and found out;

What is DPS and what does it do?
DPS means double page spread in this context. It has two pages treated as one in a publication, with images or text extending across the binding.
What are grids, columns, gutters and margins?
Organise and balance the pages with grids, gutters and margins are used to accommodate for the text and images. Columns are the structure to the publication, it allows you to see where the text is.
What are sub-heads, paragraphs, captions and ligatures?
Subheading is a group of words that can give a reader an idea about the topic in more detail than the heading, and usually sits under the heading. Paragraphs consists of one or more sentences. Captions appear below the image, and usually describes an image or explain what is happening. Ligature is two or more letters combined to make a connection between the two.
What is a golden section?
It is used to find the best area on a page to display different things, and proportion your page out properly.Golden number is 1.61/1.62.
Explain what rulers, boxes, folio number, and drop caps are.
Drop caps are in old books and bibles, it is used to signify a break in the text. Folio is the numbers in the bottom of the page, in a book its the page, with newspapers it is usually the page number and the date. Boxes and rulers are are used in layout, they help you to get balance and make things straight and equal.
What are 'picas', points, pixels?
Pica is a measuring unit of typography, there are different ways of writing picas, pixels are a sample of an original image, each pixel is made up of three dots RGB, its the smallest controllable device in an image. Point is the unit of measuring a font

DPS means double page spread in this context. It has two pages treated as one in a publication, with images or text extending across the binding.
Something resembling a framework of crisscrossed parallel bars, as in rigidity or organization: The city's streets form a grid.
Printing One of two or more vertical sections of typed lines lying side by side on a page and separated by a rule or a blank space. A feature article that appears regularly in a publication, such as a newspaper.
The blank space between facing pages of a book or between adjacent columns of type or stamps in a sheet.
Any deliberately unprinted space on a page, especially surrounding a block of text. Margins are used not only to aid in the aesthetics and the readability of a page, but also to provide allowances for trimming, binding, and other post-press operations.
In typography, a secondary heading, often in a smaller point size and set below the primary head.
A distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering.
A title or brief explanation appended to an article, illustration, or poster.
In typography, two or more characters designed as a distinct unit and commonly available as a single character. Examples are ae, ce, etc.
Refers to numbering pages in a document. Refers to dividing a document into pages. Most word processors automatically paginate documents based on a page size that you specify. Some word processors enable you to avoid widows and orphans during pagination.
Golden Section;
GoldenNumber.Net explores the appearance of Phi, 1.618 (also known as the Golden Ratio, Golden Mean, Golden Section or Divine Proportion, in mathematicsgeometrylife and the universe and shows you how to apply it, and its applications are limitless.
Folio number;
In typography, a page number, commonly placed outside the running head at the top of the page. Folios are also commonly set flush left on verso pages and flush right on recto pages. They can also be centered at the top of the page. A folio that appears at the bottom of a page is called a drop folio.
Drop caps;
In a written work, an initial is a letter at the beginning of a work, a chapter or a paragraph that is larger than the rest.
A basic unit of measurement in typography. One pica equals 12 points, and 6 picas equal approximately 1 inch.
Unit of measurement commonly used to specify type size. There are twelve points in a pica and 72 points in an inch.
Shorthand term for picture element, or the smallest point or dot on a computer monitor.
In computing, a means of speeding up the display redraw rate of a computer monitor by representing text characters below a certain size as gray lines, boxes, or illegible dummy type.

Peer reviewing;
We all had to leave some layout work up that we have done during these sessions, we then had to crit other peoples work, these are the comments which I received;

'Strong balance between text and image, more inventive than having the text in column along!'

'Prefer the second page as the illustrations under the title/header compliments the bottom images.'

The feedback which I received for this task wasn't very constructive as I only got two different comments, it would have been better if we all had to comment on everyones, then everyone would have a large range of comments and lots of feedback. What I will take from this is that it is better to relate all the images together in an inventive way, and ensure that my text to image ratio works well in what ever context I am using.

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