When I first started to think about what I would do for a brief history of... I thought that I would go back through all of my lecture notes and go through the lectures, so that I can find something I will be interested in, and something I can do my publication about.
Graphic Design, communication for the masses.
I started by finding things which I found interesting, and I picked out these slides from the, graphic design, a communication for the masses lecture, as they are quite shocking advertisements. They are used to get peoples attention with the chock factor, and allows the message to stay in your mind as you remember the shock of the advert. This is why I think I will look into creative advertising.
I then found some creative CD limited edition packaging, as I am very interested in packaging I think that this would be a good starting point to my brief.
http://www.creativereview.co.uk/cr-blog/2008/april/spiritualized-and-farrow-made-for-each-other |
Spiritualized's Jason Pierce cut several minutes off his album Ladies and gentlemen we
are floating in space just so that the running time looked better
typographically on the packaging. His partnership with designer
Mark Farrow has produced some of the finest sleeve design of recent times. CR
interviewed the pair of them on the eve of the release of
Spiritualized's new album.
When looking further into the information about the limited edition CD packaging, I found the meaning behind the pill packaging for a CD, and there was a feature poster on the inside of the album with needles on it, this is following with the theme, songs in A&E.
More designs by Farrow;
http://www.farrowdesign.com/_blog/Blog?Category=New |
Tennant/Lowe The Most Incredible Thing
Packaging for the score to Neil Tennant and
Chris Lowe’s ballet 'The Most Incredible Thing' which recently
completed its run at Sadler's Wells in London. The ballet is based on a
Hans Christian Andersen short story and the cover is based on one of
Andersen's paper-cut illustrations.
http://www.farrowdesign.com/_blog/Blog?Category=New |
Another piece of packaging design by Farrow is for this clock. What makes this design so effective is the limited colour and the simplicity of the design, it creates a clean and clear effect with reflects the product inside.
Creative Packaging;
After looking into Farrow's CD packaging designs, I thought that I would look further into creative packaging design.
http://www.boredpanda.com/new-condoms-gabrielle-wee/ |
I found these comical designs for condoms, they are talking logos and slogans that already exist and simply by applying them to a different product or concept it creates humour, therefore would be more appealing to the target audience.
http://www.boredpanda.com/creative-product-packaging-part2/ |
Corinne Pant designed the packaging for these headphones, they are playing with the idea of listening to music, and reading music, by making the headphones look like a note. Having this packaging for the headphones will allow customers to look at a selection and be more drawn towards buying this product over the others because of the packaging design as it is more creative.
http://www.boredpanda.com/creative-product-packaging-part2/ |
I found this bag design by Kempertrautmann, using coloured lace to look like the bags were being held up by shoelaces, having limited colours allows the shoeslaces to stand out more, it also makes the design more creative.
http://www.boredpanda.com/creative-product-packaging-part2/ |
This was designed by Terence Kitching at At Pace design and Communication. The packaging illustrations of the bees on this packaging is what makes it so effective. Although there are a lot of bees, the design is still quite simple, keeping a limited colour palette and a simply structured box for the packaging.
www.boredpanda.com |
There is a lot of different designs for teabags, this is one designed by Soon Mo Kang, it is using a coat hanger and a rail, and showing the teabags as if that are teashirts. The teabag hangers work well as it allows the hanger to grip the cup so that you are able to dunk the teabag without having to use a spoon.
R.J. Reynolds |
Everyone is aware that cigarettes are bad for you, although the packaging it currently has shocking pictures of what cigarettes can do to your body, but still noone takes any notice of them, and they still buy them. This is a more direct root to show people what will happen to them if they smoke, this is a good way to shock people into realising what they are doing to their bodies.
http://www.icanbecreative.com/175-creative-product-packaging-designs.html |
This is playing with the idea that chocolate is like a drug. Having chocolate coming out of a tablets packets is a creative way of making chocolate humorous.
History of coca cola;
http://www.icanbecreative.com/175-creative-product-packaging-designs.html |
http://www.icanbecreative.com/175-creative-product-packaging-designs.html |
http://www.icanbecreative.com/packaging-designs-for-inspiration.html |
http://www.icanbecreative.com/packaging-designs-for-inspiration.html |
http://www.trulydeeply.com.au/madly/files/2009/11/CokeBottleEvolution.jpg |
http://www.trulydeeply.com.au/madly/files/2009/11/CokeBottleEvolution.jpg |
After having my crit with my group, I decided that I needed to focus more towards a particular brand or object and do how it has evolved. Therefore I started looking at what I could use and found coca cola, and how much the packaging has developed through time. Although a lot of the packaging is glass and plastic bottles therefore I wont be able to show people how they can create this, and I am also more interested by cartons, therefore I will look for a different brand or object.
http://bestdesignoptions.com/?p=21222 |
Creative CD Packaging;
http://bestdesignoptions.com/?p=21222 |
http://bestdesignoptions.com/?p=21222 |
http://bestdesignoptions.com/?p=21222 |
http://bestdesignoptions.com/?p=21222 |
http://bestdesignoptions.com/?p=21222 |
As my initial piece of creative packaging was for a CD, I thought that I would look further into CD cases and packaging design for them. Which lead me to this website where it showed many different CD packaging, some of which are more creative than others, but they are all very effective. The daily bread packaging is very clever in the way that each CD looks like a slice of toast and the case looks like a toaster, it works in the same way as a toaster too, so when you push the bit on the side the toast (CD) comes out of the top, this makes the CD more appealing as the packaging is creative and effective.
Looking further into different brands I could use for a brief history of, I found that cadburys design on the packaging has changed a lot through the years. I then thought about looking further into the brief history of cadburys and found that the history behind cadburys is very interesting, and I think it will be a very interesting subject to do a brief history of.
A brief history of cadburys;
Cadbury was founded almost 200 years ago. Delve into the fascinating
history and you'll find a wealth of interesting facts on subjects
including advertising, Cadbury family, past and present products and
http://adhistory.wikispaces.com/Cadbury |
1824John Cadbury opened Bull Street shop
In 1824, John Cadbury opened a grocer’s shop at 93 Bull
Street, Birmingham in the 1830's. Among other things, he sold cocoa and
drinking chocolate, which he prepared himself using a pestle and mortar.
1831John Cadbury opens factory in Crooked Lane
The Cadbury manufacturing business was born in 1831, when
John Cadbury decided to start producing on a commercial scale and bought
a four-storey warehouse in nearby Crooked Lane.
By 1842 John Cadbury was selling no less than 16 varieties
of drinking chocolate and 11 different cocoas! The earliest preserved
price list shows that you could buy drinking chocolate in the form of
both pressed cakes and powder.
1847The business moves to Bridge Street
In 1847, the Cadbury brothers' booming business moved into a new, larger factory in Bridge Street in the centre of Birmingham.
1847Fry's Produce the First Chocolate Bar
18th century France produced pastilles (tablets) and bars.
But it wasn’t until Bristol company Fry & Son made a ‘chocolate
delicieux a manger’ in 1847 that the first bar of chocolate appeared,
as we know it today.
1861Richard and George Cadbury take charge
John's health rapidly declined and he finally retired in
1861, handing over complete control of the business to his sons Richard
and George. The brothers were just 25 and 21 when they took charge of
the business.
1866An innovative processing technique is introduced
The turning point for the Cadbury business was the
introduction of a new processing technique, resulting in the 1866 launch
of 'Cadbury Cocoa Essence', the UK's first unadulterated cocoa.
1875First Milk Chocolate Bar
In 1875, a Swiss manufacturer called Daniel Peter added milk to his recipe to make the first milk chocolate bar.
1875Cadbury makes their first Easter egg
The first Cadbury Easter egg was made in 1875. The earliest
eggs were made with dark chocolate and had a smooth, plain surface.
They were filled with sugar-coated chocolate drops known as 'dragees’.
Later Easter eggs were decorated and had their plain shells enhanced
with chocolate piping and marzipan flowers.
1878The Cadbury Brothers are inspired by their vision
When the Bridge Street factory became too small, George
Cadbury had a new vision of the future. 'Why should an industrial area
be squalid and depressing?’ he asked. His vision was shared by his
brother Richard, and they began searching for a very special site for
their new factory.
1879Bournville 'The Factory in a Garden' is born
Birmingham architect, George H. Gadd worked closely with
George Cadbury to draw up plans for the factory. The first bricks were
laid in January 1879 and 16 houses for foremen and senior employees were
built on the site.
1893George Cadbury Adds Another 120 Acres to Bournville
George Cadbury had already created some houses for key
workers when the Bournville factory was built. Then, in 1893, he bought
another 120 acres near the works and started to build houses in line
with the ideals of the embryonic Garden City movement.
1895George Cadbury Builds a Further 143 Cottages in Bournville
George Cadbury decided not to go for tunnel-backs because
it limited the amount of light in the houses. Instead he chose
rectangular cottages, each one with a large garden. In 1895, 143
cottages were built on the land he had bought privately, a total of 140
1897Cadbury Milk Chocolate is Launched
When Cadbury started making Cocoa Essence they had lots of cocoa butter left over, so they used it to make bars of chocolate!
1900Early outdoor and press advertising
Cadbury produced some of the finest examples of posters and
press advertisements during this period. A popular local artist, Cecil
Aldin, was commissioned to illustrate for Cadbury. His evocative images
featured in early magazine campaigns and graced poster sites all over
the country.
1905Cadbury Dairy Milk is Launched
Swiss manufacturers were leading the field in milk
chocolate, with much better products than their rivals. In 1904, George
Cadbury Jnr was given the challenge to develop a milk chocolate bar
with more milk than anything else on the market.
1905First Cadbury logo commissioned
In 1905 William Cadbury commissioned the first Cadbury
logo. He was in Paris at the time and chose Georges Auriol to create the
design - Auriol also designed the signs for the Paris Metro.
1906Bournville Cocoa is Launched
At first, Cadbury resisted creating an alkalised cocoa (a
product made less bitter by adding harmless carbonate of potash) having
emphasised the purity of their own cocoa. But, eventually, the company
realised that alkalised cocoa was the future and created Bournville
1908Bournville Chocolate is Launched
Bournville chocolate was launched in 1908. It was named
after the Bournville factory where it was made, and was originally
launched just as a plain chocolate bar.
1914Fry's Turkish Delight is Launched
J.S. Fry & Sons merged with Cadbury in 1919 but the
name of the bar remains. Fry’s Turkish Delight - rose-flavoured Turkish
delight draped in milk chocolate - is a long-standing favourite.
1915Milk Tray is launched
Boxes of chocolates had been produced at Cadbury since the
1860s. But they were expensive, sold in small quantities and would only
have been bought for very special occasions. Milk Tray was different: a
chocolate assortment, affordable enough to be an everyday treat.
1919Cadbury purchases Fry's
Cadbury bought Frys in 1919 and the company grew, producing
delicous chocolate on a grand scale, so it could be enjoyed by
1920Cadbury Dairy Milk goes purple
Cadbury Dairy Milk started out in pale mauve with red
script, in a continental style 'parcel wrap’ at its launch in 1905. The
full Dairy Milk range became purple and gold in 1920.
The 'crumbliest flakiest chocolate’ was first developed in
1920. A canny Cadbury employee noticed that, when the excess from
chocolate moulds was drained off, it fell in a stream and created flaky,
folded chocolate.
1921Cadbury script logo first appears
The Cadbury script logo, based on the signature of William
Cadbury, appeared first on the transport fleet in 1921. It was quite
fussy to start with and has been simplified over the years. It wasn’t
until 1952 that it was used across major brands.
1928The 'Glass and a Half' symbol is introduced
It was originally used in 1928 on press and posters, but
since then it’s been in TV ads and on wrapper designs, where you can
still see it to this day. First of all it was just on Cadbury Dairy
Milk, but it’s become the face of the company in recent years.
1928Investment Begins in Cadbury Dairy Milk Ads
A huge success from day one, Cadbury Dairy Milk first hit
the shelves in 1905. But surprisingly, little money was put into
advertising it until 1928.
A Fry’s product, Crunchie was launched to rival an Australian bar called the Violet Crumble, which first appeared in 1913.
1938Cadbury Roses are Launched
Cadbury Roses were introduced to compete in the twist
wrapped assortment market. Early designs incorporated a sampler or
embroidery rose design which was later replaced by a simpler rose.
1939King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visit Bournville
Bournville welcomes King George VI and Queen Elizabeth on a
tour that formed part of the programme of their visit to Birmingham on
March 1st 1939. 10,000 employees lined the route to welcome the King and
1939Second World War Begins
During the War, rationing was enforced and raw materials
were in short supply so it was a question of making do and concentrating
on those products they were still able to produce.
Once the war ended, the company worked hard to restore
business as usual. In due course of time, its efforts were rewarded and
sales climbed.
1947Milk Tray Bar is Launched
Eight Milk Tray Chocolates, in a bar. Imagine a box of Milk
Tray Chocolates. Now imagine picking eight of the most popular
chocolates – keeping their distinctive shapes – and putting them in a
Launched in 1948, Fudge is most famous for its 1980s and
early 1990s advertising jingle 'A finger of fudge is just enough to give
your kids a treat’. The words were new, but the tune was borrowed and
based on a traditional English folk song, 'The Lincolnshire Poacher’.
1955First Cadbury TV advert
Cadbury’s ad for drinking chocolate was one of 24 that were
shown on ITV’s launch night. The advert was based on the popular panel
game 'Twenty Questions'.
1957The Making of a 50s Cadbury TV advert
Ever wondered how an early TV ad was made? We found this
footage in the Cadbury archive showing the making of an early Roses TV
1958Lucky Numbers Are Launched
In 1958 Cadbury launched a new assortment of chewy sweets,
some covered in chocolate and some not. These Lucky Numbers each had an
individual number on the wrapper, hence the name. The brand was retired
in 1968.
The milk chocolate bar with a caramel and wafer centre
launched in 1960, with the slogan ‘It’s got a crunch in the biscuit and a
munch in the middle’. A classic 1960s TV ad for Skippy shows a swinging
London couple getting off their scooter and going into a trendy coffee
bar to pick up their Skippys.
1967Aztec Bar is Launched
Made of milk chocolate, nougatine and caramel, the Aztec made a big impact on its launch in 1967.
1967Toffee Buttons Are Launched
A button-shaped chocolate sweet with toffee inside.
Launched in 1967 and withdrawn in 1971. The packs featured brightly
coloured cowboys and Indians.
1969Cadbury Merges With Schweppes
The merger happened after the new Cadbury Chairman, Adrian Cadbury, was approached by his opposite number, Lord Watkinson.
1970A decade of sales growth
Many Cadbury brands - Flake, Cadbury Dairy Milk, Whole Nut
and Fruit and Nut - saw vast increases in sales in the 1970s, partially
due to hugely successful and memorable TV advertising campaigns.
1970Curly Wurly is Launched
Curly Wurly, made of chewy caramel covered in milk chocolate, first appeared in 1970.
1970Old Jamaica is Launched
Old Jamaica was a special blend of milk and plain chocolate
with rum flavoured raisins. This Cadbury Classic Selection bar is no
longer made for the UK market, but you can still stock up on Old Jamaica
if you look around on the Internet.
1971Creme Egg is Launched
Cream-filled eggs first appeared back in 1923. But the
Cadbury Creme Egg we know and love today didn’t hit the shelves until
Launched nationally in 1983 after a trial run in the North
East of England, Wispa was available throughout the 1980s and 1990s and
was re-born in 2007.
1985Boost Coconut is Launched
Milk chocolate covered bar with a toasted coconut and
caramel centre. A variant of the mighty Boost, this coconut flavour was
discontinued in 1994.
Twirl was launched in the UK in 1987. The brand was
developed by the Cadbury Ireland business using Flake technology. It was
originally launched in Ireland in 1985 as a single finger product and
became a two-finger product on its UK launch.
1989Inspirations Are Launched
Textured fruit flavoured centres covered in milk, white and
dark chocolate. Inspirations launched in 1989, in a carton with sliding
drawers. Initially highly successful, it was retired in 1998.
Factory tours had always been popular but it was impossible
to run a factory smoothly if it had thousands of visitors. In 1988
Cadbury began planning a visitor attraction to take the place of the
factory tours - Cadbury World.
1996Cadbury Fuse is Launched
Fuse exploded into the UK marketplace on ‘Fuesday’ 24th
September 1996. It was a chocolate bar with a difference – instead of
having a milk chocolate coating on the outside, the yummy ingredients
were suspended right the way through it.
2003Cadbury Schweppes Buys Adams and Becomes the World's Leading Confectionery Company
Cadbury bought the world’s number 2 gum manufacturer, Adams, in 2003 and achieved its aim of leading the market.
2007The Gorilla Advert Premiers
'Gorilla’ showed the eponymous primate enthusiastically
playing the drums on the Phil Collins record 'In the Air Tonight’. It
proved hugely popular and cleaned up at advertising awards ceremonies,
winning many prizes including the prestigious Grand Prix Lion at Cannes
in 2008.
2008Cadbury and Schweppes Demerge
The two companies demerged to allow each to concentrate on its area of expertise.
2008Cadbury Cocoa Partnership Launched
In January 2008, Cadbury launched the Cadbury Cocoa
Partnership. £45 million was put aside to put into cocoa farms in Ghana,
India, Indonesia and the Caribbean over a decade.
2009Cadbury Dairy Milk Becomes Fairtrade
The move to Fairtrade has the impact of tripling the sales
for cocoa farmers in Ghana under Fairtrade terms, both increasing
Fairtrade cocoa sales for existing certified farming groups, as well as
opening up new opportunities for thousands more farmers to benefit from
the Fairtrade system.
2010Cadbury becomes part of Kraft Foods
Cadbury became part of Kraft Foods family on the 2nd of February 2010.
2012Chocolate centre of excellence opens in Bournville
A new global research and devlopment centre opens in Bournville as part of a £17 million investment in R&D in the UK.
Spots vs. Stripes

At the heart of our Cadbury Spots v Stripes activation is our digital hub www.spotsvstripes.com
which uses cutting edge technology to host over 207,000 registered users with over
898,000 points being claimed by consumers. We have over 275,000 Cadbury Spots and
Cadbury Stripes Facebook fans and over 9,330 followers across our Twitter accounts.
We want to get the nation in the mood for London 2012 by splitting everyone into
two sides Spots and Stripes, and play against each other in our big game.
It doesn’t matter what game you play. Any game counts, from hopscotch to Balloon
Bellyflop and everything in between. We’re providing loads of games, challenges
and events for you to play, winning prizes and points along the way. You can win
points for your own games too. Points are either automatically awarded or claimed
online. All points go towards your personal and side’s total scores, with Spots
v Stripes scores updated in real time on our scoreboard. Ultimately the side with
the most points wins. Although it’s really about rediscovering the joy of playing
Schweppes merger (1969)
Cadbury merged with drinks company
Schweppes to form Cadbury Schweppes in 1969.
Schweppes went on to acquire
Canada Dry,
Typhoo Tea and more. In the US, Schweppes Beverages was created and the manufacture of Cadbury confectionery brands was licensed to
The Hershey Company.
Mistic and
Stewart's (formerly
Cable Car Beverage) were sold by
Triarc to Cadbury Schweppes in 2000 for $1.45 billion. In October of that same year, Cadbury Schweppes purchased
Royal Crown from Triarc.
Schweppes demerger
In March 2007, it was revealed that Cadbury Schweppes was planning to
split its business into two separate entities: one focusing on its main
chocolate and confectionery market; the other on its US drinks
business. The demerger took effect on 2 May 2008, with the drinks business becoming
Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. In December 2008 it was announced that Cadbury was to sell its Australian beverage unit to
Asahi Breweries.
Having a lot of information about my subject matter allows me to make an
informed decision about what I should include in my document, what is
relevant and what is irrelevant.
After going to Cadbury World I found that everything was very creative and recognisable of Cadbury, therefore I wanted to make my publication recognisable too. I found this Mr and Mrs Chuckle Bean, and found that it would influence my design greatly, I found that it was different, fun and tasteful. The colours used are the colours that are constantly used for Cadbury products. The purple and gold work really well together, therefore I will try to include something like that in my publication.
Useful Websites;
I use these websites to find information about Cadbury's also so that I can see how the Cabury website looks, so that I can relate my publication with the theme of the website.
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